Hot Mess, what to Do?

Both tribes in the survivor episode have diversity in there groups. It seems that most everyone in the groups come from different back grounds and cultures. Also, some of them have difference in sexual orientation and gender. This makes for interesting dynamics as well as a need for cultural understanding. The team members must adapt understand and work with each other despite their differences. There are some group members that are extravert and some that are introverted. Some tribe members express conscientiousness while others are careless.

From the beginning of the episode the chapter begins to unfold with The Team voting off John Rocker because of past Prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination accusations brought up by the tribe. This was a clear explanation of how these things can negatively affect a group and cause for a member of a group to be ousted for not being sensitive to other cultures and race regardless of whether it occurred during the show or in the past. It is apparent that it was a behavior that the team did not want to tolerate. Later in the show with john gone, his girlfriend expressed that she could better focus on her tribe and team and not so much on herself applying to collectivism. Masculine feminine values became an issue as the thought of the hunapu tribe having to vote someone off of the show. The women began to band together and the Drew was afraid that some of the women may be trying to take on a dominant role and control the game. There is at the same time concern about men being kept on the team due to men being strong and athletic. Overall there seems to be a great need to balance personality types.