How Did the Commenting Go?

This week we were asked to try and engage with the organization or group that was our topic. My topic is health care. Last week I tried commenting on one of the posts from the organization that I chose for my topic.

This week I decided to send this organization, World Health Organization (WHO), a direct message. I told them that I was a student and that I am reaching out to them for a project. My topic is health care and I found their organization to be really helpful and interesting. So I asked them “How has social media influenced or helped spread action for your cause or need?”. I did not get a response. What I did get was one like from a man who went to Colombio University. That was the only like I received and the only contact that I got a break through from. I tried commenting on more posts throughout the week and liking more things, but all to no avail.

Maybe these people have more on their mind than some girl who has to do some project. Or they are working on some super deadly disease and trying to cure people who have it. Or even trying to help the refugees or the people in Africa with a disease. It could be anyone of those things actually. They are a pretty active group. Today they posted about the war in Syria and “The cost of War” and they posted about getting people vaccinated in Africa for Meningitis A.

If you care to check this organization out here is a link WHO