How We Change For the Better

Hello and good afternoon,
Time sure does go by quickly when you are filling your brain with knowledge and news ideas. I have to admit that when I had realized that I had enrolled in a class that emphasized the idea of “digital fingerprinting” and “digital citizenship,” I was thrown back a bit. At the beginning of the semester I believed that I had a pretty solid grasp on the benefits and dangers that the internet had to offer, but as it seems, I was greatly mistaken.

As this is the final project, I find myself with an unfamiliar feeling inside of me, and that is I am bummed out about not having to write any more blogs. At first, I was hesitant to writing blogs as I was almost afraid of doing voice threads, and over the duration of the semester both of those ideas have changed. I would have never thought of myself as enjoying the weekly blog, or a type of recorded report. It has become such a desire that I have registered a domain name and starting a website that will have many blogs and ideas on it. It is under construction at the moment, but should be up and running sometime in the new year.

Over the course of the semester, we covered what I would call “the basics” of personal online security.  We all buy software to protect our computers from viruses and email attacks, but what do we do to protect our identity or our dignity? What I mean is what does the individual do to make sure that our true character remains safe from other believing that we a good human being and have been forever? There are many people that will post a questionable picture on twitter or facebook thinking that no harm can come out if it, and the next day is fired from a job, expelled from school, or even worse, permanent loss of character. Having a good idea that what it put on the internet, stays on the internet, can help one avoid such incidents from occurring.

Other lessons learned were crap detection. Not only should one have a full understanding that there is no law written to this date that prohibits people from posting outright lies, but one should hold that at the front of their mind when surfing for information. We all can use a refresher course from time to time to detect BS, and if we use false information in school, work or even conversations with friends, disaster could be sure to happen. I think that we have all witnessed someone misquoting or using false information, and it is downright embarrassing for everyone involved. Not to mention how important it is to get you facts straight when making a substantial purchase, applying for a job, doing research for a job or term paper, or any other crucial decision in life.

Now that we are at the end, I leave my many readers(who am I trying to kid)with this thought. What we hold dear today often becomes irrelevant tomorrow, and what is so hip and cool to one person, is repulsive and offensive to another. With that said, remember that when creating something that represents you, your ideas, and your character, be careful of how you do it. You never know who might get a hold of it, or who is going to hold it against you. The internet is a powerful tool that can help you succeed in many ways, just be careful how you use it.

As I always say, Be good to yourself, to others, and remember to have a fantastic day