HR Bill 16311

Sanad Hawatmeh
Pols 300

Bill HR 16311
On April 30, 1970, Mathew M. Chuchel of Chico, California wrote a letter to Harold T. Johnson about his concern on a bill named Bill HR 16311. Mathew is completely against this bill which would guarantee a minimum income to all people in this country. Mr. Chuchel states that if this bill is passed it would have a devastating effect on the country. How exactly does this bill mean? Also, Mr. Chuchel writes about the free enterprise system that this country has been built on. At the time in 1970 there were other welfare programs that helped the poor and Mr. Chuchel says that would be enough to help those in need.
Bill HR 16311 was a bill that would bring into action a welfare program that included the minimum income allowance of $1600 for a family of four who did not work and needed the assistance. President Richard M. Nixon suggested this bill to congress and it was passed in April of 1970. The bill was to help families survive until they found work of some sort. If families started earning income, the amount of assistance would be decreased by 50%. Mathew Chuchel was concerned that this would ruin the free enterprise system that this country was built on. A free enterprise system is an economic system where a government places very little restrictions or rules on business activities or ownership that citizens want to partake in. This is basically known as a free market system. One is free to pursue any type of work that he or she feels comfortable in. This system gives the average citizen the right to open any business and spend their money any way they would like. In a free enterprise system the government allows one to choose any type of business or job that they are interested in. Mr. Mathew Chuchel believes with this Bill that this system will be greatly affected. Allowing people to receive a minimum income in every household can affect the economy greatly because people will become lazier and take away from those who work hard for their earnings. . The letter that Mathew Chuchel wrote to Mr. Johnson is a primary source. Its written by Mr. Chuchel and he feels that with the passing of the bill it would lead to negative affect in the economy. Mathew Chuchel is a personnel manager at REX CHAINBELT INC. and hopes that Mr. Johnson will voice his opposition to this bill.

pols 300