I Found Myself


This assignment required me to Google my own name and find the strangest or weirdest thing that came up. The first thing that came up was  Yelp review of a Jorge Rodriguez Jr. aka me. In this case, instead of me being a student and construction worker, he was a well known personal trainer. This particular case wasn’t as weird because he was a personal trainer, but because I had been employed by a gym for almost three years up until a few months ago. Initially when I saw the review and Facebook page crediting this man’s personal training I immediately thought to myself, “Wow why didn’t I ever do this!” There were so many great reviews about this guy similar to the ones I received at the gym yet never made the time to create such an outgoing source like a Facebook page dedicated solely to my art. Personal training should be considered an art and it is by most since lifting weights and eating right isn’t something that everybody does, nor is it easy to do. You have to be professor, and as an athlete the best way to approach working out is as a student. Just like how you would approach school. I chose the personal training Jorge Rodriguez Jr. because he touched base on a huge part of me and opened my eyes to what possibilities there is for someone like me who is a full advocate of promoting higher self esteem through physical accomplishment.personal trainer