I have a website!

I’ve never really considered my self to be not good with technology. Never did I think I was some tech. genius but I thought I knew something about the internet and technology. I’m now enrolled in an education technology course and have discovered that I know practically nothing about technology. It took me probably ten minutes to find the page that would allow me to make a blog post!
Before this course, I’d never paid attention to PLN’s or to edtech. Since starting this course, I’ve learned a lot. This magazine helped me understand a bit more about a topic that was fairly new to me: http://www.edtechmagazine.com/k12/article/2014/10/report-card. I’ve learned that you can’t just be taught about edtech, you need to discover what it means to you. In addition, there is no “this is edtech; now utilize it” there are only aspects to edtech and you have to figure out how you can utilize edtech to your own advantage. Another big thing I’ve learned is that something is always happening in the world of edtech. The world of edtech evolves faster than I can keep up with all of it.
Now I have a website and a Twitter account! I can’t believe it. I’m not completely sure what I want out of this website. I don’t have a clear vision of where I see it going yet. However, I am really excited to see where this takes me in the world of edtech!
P.S. Still trying to figure this out… I have no idea why there aren’t spaces where I intend for them to be.