I Try Commenting This Time

This week we are still trying to reach out to these organizations and groups about our topic. My topic is health. I chose to look at the organization: World Health Organization or (WHO). I noticed they commented back when people would comment on something that they posted. So I thought I would give it a try. I put the simple question, “What can one do in California, U.S?”. (This was from a post about polio being Iraq) I had no response from WHO, which surprised me because when people would ask this organization a question like this they usually responded. What I did notice was that a person commented after me praising the organization and WHO did respond to him. So I thought well maybe I should post something praising this organization, or by asking another question. I guess WHO could comment on a few but not all.

I noticed that they have a new topic this week. Now they are talking about the cyclone Chapala that is going to hit Yemen. They are raising awareness and working to help prepare these people. They are also talking about the cholera vaccination that they are organizing in Iraq. Not only that but they are spreading awareness for the antibiotic resistance, which is when people refuse to get treated. This results in disease that normally would have been cured “to undermining advances in medicine”(WHO). I personally had no idea that these things were going on in the world and I find it helpful that this organization is doing something about it. I thought it was just the U.S who had people who didn’t want to get vaccinated (separate things), but either way it is a serious medical issue.

Here is a link to WHO