I’m here!

After a long journey of movies and sleep we have arrived! Finally.

I am beyond excited for the next week.I’m feeling a bit of culture shock even as we venture on our way away from the airport and towards the hotel. The tube is amazing, but also overwhelming for someone who has never used it. I find it especially hard to keep us as I try to take in the size, history and beauty of the city I will reside in for the week.

All that uneasy feeling was worth our first day if architectural exploration. We experienced our fist adventures in Westminster Abby, Buckingham Palace and Changing of the guard! The best part? Well other than the previously mentioned, our tour guide Shawn was the most refreshing, kind and  funny tour guide I have ever encountered. He made ending a tour fun, but sad to see him go.

My excitement and amazement is beyond words. The ache in my feet from the walking, climbing, standing, waiting, however,  is not. Despite the discomfort, sore feet are worth every minute of this experience. Of all of the experiences my favorite first day activity was the London Eye. The sights you see are  amazing. We were able to see just about all of London from the the top.

Perhaps the most interesting part about our first day is the shock of having to adjust to the different culture despite


the lack of language barrier. We have been smiled at, scoffed at, teased, hugged.. and all in a matter of a day!