In The Blink of an Eye



It is hard to believe that this trip is coming to an end. My time here in London has been nothing short of wonderful, life-changing, and inspiring.

While it still hasn’t fully hit me that it’s over and by this time tomorrow, we will be back in the states, I’m so happy that I got to experience this trip with lifelong friends- friends from CI and London.

Saying goodbye to all of these guys will be difficult but I know that when we run into each other on campus or see each other again, it will be such a memorable experience as we reminisce on our time together.

Being chosen to be a part of this amazing group has been so great for me. Being in a class with 14 other students from CI traveling through London has been extremely inspiring. I want to see more places, do more things, and the experience more of the world. Thank you again to everyone who has made this trip possible!