Insight and Expression 2015-11-03 22:30:50

Since i have been on twitter i have been looking for more information on higher education.  the problem with only looking for textbook information was the information and especially the conversation seemed pretty stale.  This week i began to lurk more in a broad terms about higher education and the cost of it and while i did find some similar information i noticed that a noteworthy point was the winner of the NLSS which is an award given to people who help progress and innovate the world of higher education.  While lurking and hesitantly commenting on twitter about the topic of our project i found a more open and plentiful conversation about the general environment. while i do have your time i do want to say that after reading a few articles (here, here and here) there is a sense that the only way for anyone to see a cost effective reason to go through college is to get the same monetary gain out of college.  For students this isnt the case, Most students chose the classes and major they have and they are willing to do more to study these courses but higher education makes it difficult.  Personally i go to college to experience and find out morethings to understand body language while not putting much effort in my grade (a dramatic problem i am well aware of) and the price of education makes it harder to possible study and do something with something that i love.