Internship Letter

February 17, 2016

Stuart Mann, OD
1131 W. Sixth Street
Suite 150 Ontario CA 91762

Dear Stuart Mann, OD

I’m Elizabeth Hernandez and I would like to attend your summer internship. I am currently a student at California State University Channel Islands in Camarillo. Currently I am undeclared first year student although I am looking into Biology to be my major. More specifically I am very interested in attending medical school to become an Optometrist. Although I am ready to declare my major and step onto the road to become an eye doctor I would like to learn more of what it is to be an optometrist.

My family and I have attended your practice for years now and very much like the attention given to us patients and the products you offer. I have seen the practice improve over the years from the new technology to new and more helpful glasses. Very lately I have seen everyone use new technology to store information taking place of papers and shelves. With this being said I am very interested in what brought these changes. Also every time the doctor takes a look into my eye I want to see what their seeing. I want to learn what the tools you use are called as well as what they are used for. I don’t recall before having to put eye drops in order for the doctor to see the back of my eye.What I am trying to say with this letter is that your office is a very interesting place for me. Everything catches my attention from the test letters that very from small to large to all the instrument the doctors use.

With this being said I’m an eager student ready to learn everything that occurs in your office as well as all the other problems related to the eye. I would really take advantage in a opportunity to be your student this summer and be an intern. I have attached my resume for your use.


Elizabeth Hernandez

Work Cite
Dirk, Kerry. “Navigating Genres.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing. Ed. Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky. Vol. 1. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor P, 2010. 249-262. Writing Spaces. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.