

My name is Victoria Watkins. I have been married to my best friend for just over 8 years, and he is my everything.  I graduated from Moorpark Community College in December of 2013 and started my nursing journey in the Emergency Room at Providence Little Company of Mary in June 2014.  I am currently continuing my education at CSUCI and my husband is continuing his education at CSUDH; eventually I want to get a masters in nursing and probably go into education, whereas my husband is working towards his doctorate in business.  Right now I am focusing on my bachelors degree and career certifications; by the end of 2016 I plan on having my MICN (mobil intensive care nurse), TNCC (trauma nursing core course), and CEN (certified emergency nurse) certification.  When the books are closed and the computers are shut off, my husband and I enjoy spending time with family and friends.  We enjoy hiking, going to disneyland, and exploring all that Southern California has to offer.