
Hi my name is Lisa Acquisto and I am a native of Ventura. I have three great kids. Ashlynn is 28 years old, lives in North Carolina, and is a successful beautician. She has recently returned to school to be a dietician. Anicia is 24 years old, has begun classes this fall at CSUCI as a junior studying Business. She works as a waitress at Brophy’s in Ventura and is soon to begin her second job at Farmer Boy’s in Santa Barbara. My youngest, Ben is 22 years old, and is in his final year at USC studying Public Relations in sports. He is interning with USC Athletic Marketing and Pollack PR Marketing Firm, and works for Annenberg Facilities. I also have two little dogs, which are big dogs at heart. Daphne is 8 year old, Chihuahua/Dachshund mix, and Peewee is a three year old Chihuahua/Terrier mix.