

Hello everybody, my name is Lauren. This is my first online class. I’m 21 years old and this is my second semester at CI. I transferred from Humboldt State where I went for 3 years but I grew up in Ventura. I’m a Liberal Studies major, mainly because I found out it would be the fastest way for me to graduate. I’ve changed my major so many times that I was actually able to create a Liberal Studies major out of all the random classes I took in my different majors. Last week I got hired to be a cashier at CVS in Santa Barbara which is a bit of a commute but it made me really happy because I’ve been trying to get work for months. It’s also my kind of job since I get to be standing and moving around and interacting with people. I don’t know why but I’ve never liked to sit for extended periods of time. That’s one of the reasons I’m excited to be finished with school after the fall semester. It’s nice to meet you all!