
Hello my name is Kristi Dollison and I am a “super senior” at Channel Islands.  Although I already walked the graduation line last weekend, I still have one more class to take outside of my ECS major… so here I am.

I am incredibly nervous about taking an online course since I have always prefered and learned better by physically being in class, but I was lucky to obtain a full-time job with benefits utilizing my degree  already, so I didn’t really have a choice of classes to take since rent doesn’t pay itself.  I am hoping to become comfortable with this online course as soon as possible, so bare with me if this post is completely messed up or posted in the wrong area!

As a typical Ventura County girl, I am very excited for summer and to start my career.  Since I started working towards my Bachelor’s two years ago, I haven’t had a day off from juggling classes, student teaching and a weekend job to keep food on the table.  But now that I have landed a good job with weekends off, I cannot wait to make-up all the time with my loved ones that I feel was lost these past several years… I just gotta make it through one last class!!!!!!!