
Hello, my name is Marina. I am 21 years old and I am a transfer student here at CI. I came from Santa Barbara City College and graduated with an AA-T in Communications. I am a Communications major and a English minor. I was originally an English major but changed it because I really don’t want to teach. I love cats and I wish I could have my own but the cat wouldn’t be happy because I wouldn’t be around to love it. I play the trumpet and prefer to play swing. I picked up widdling (wood carving) a few years ago, and enjoy making my little sculptures. I have only kept one and have given the rest away. I have a thing for watches and hats. I like the intricacy of a watch, and my life runs on the clock; so it’s well adapted that I should appreciate a good watch. I think I just look really good in hats. They pull an outfit together. I love them and, to prove my point, I have at least 22 hats. I stopped counting after that. I have an appreciation for art even though I don’t know much about it. So if someone would to take me to an art show, I would enjoy myself.