

My name is Janell. I am first and foremost a wife and mother, then student and nurse. My daughter is our joy and blessing from above, she is now 15 months old and so much fun. I quit my job as a med/surg nurse after she was born just as school began- altogether with the hormones combined it was the best decision!

I have taken a very long route to my BSN. I started in a program for it in 2002 but was on an athletic scholarship and traveled with my sport, missing some key classes held once a week (on travel days) and had to drop, only to find out ALL prerequisites and nursing courses were offered IN order- no summer make ups etc… so I went with my double major and graduated with a Spanish (Languages) Degree –  from Liberty University, only to be wait-listed at Saddleback College back home for my ADN… finally I graduated in 2009, when the bonuses stopped, new grad programs dried up, no one was hiring ADNs and in 2010 “BSN in 10” began!…. SO here I am!

I do plan to go back to work but I would like to change fields. I am extremely interested in Labor and Delivery and Postpartum, my interest only increased with my own birth experience. I also really like the idea of becoming a Lactation Specialist, I know it is quite a journey from here- got to switch departments, get a new job, and graduate first!