

My name is Michael Gonzalez and I am a transfer student from LA. I have lived in either LA or LA county all of my life until now and I am kind of excited to  be out of that traffic. I am a Psychology major hoping to be able to go to grad school and become a neurobiologist. If I am able to become a neurobiologist I am hoping to focus my research on various neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis, and Parkinson’s. One of my main interests is anything about music I love DJing, going to music festivals, or just hanging around in my room blasting music. After I get my career going I would love be able to travel the world and visit places such as Dubai or Amsterdam. If money permits I would also love to be able to travel to other music festivals around the world such as Ultra in Miami or Tomorrowland in Belgium. Other interests include many things outdoorsy such as hiking, off-roading, snowboarding, and wake boarding. As I grew older I would love to be able to purchase an off-roading jeep and an RV so I can make impromptu camping trips.