Is that research I see?

The island brings such a diverse culture to the world not only in terms of its biodiversity, temperatures and its biotic and abiotic factors the island brings to us many different perspectives and lessons along with the many other variants it has to offer. The faculty and staff within that island was nothing less than a greater addition to that variant. Throughout the trip we had experience the view points of four different disciplines that had fused to from a perfect formation of ideologies and lessons.

While at the Santa Rosa Island we had learned the perspectives of an anthropologist, environmentalist, artist, and a biologist and through each perspective and out look they all have added more depth to the story and history of the island itself. Through each of their teaching they had all shown a new type of filter that, when each are added to one another they form this perfect harmony of “colors” that create a bigger picture.

Take for example using any given combination of the two of the four disciplines in a research situation they will form a bigger outcome. In terms of an environmental standpoint when a researcher is conducting research for a topic take for example the effect that over grazing, deforestation, and soil erosion causes and its relation with the shore line and the given species in their given habitat. Although that may seem complex and almost focused only on one discipline, it actually focuses on many different disciplines. Like what the faculty on the island were trying to convey it all a matter of perspective.

Depending on which way you look at it this one issue can be taken in a series of ways. One can take the geological stance and view how susceptible the land is and how often the land could erode. One can then take the environmental aspect and view all the ways in which the destruction of the environment would effect the organism and land around. One could also take the biologist point of view and conduct and experience to find the level of resistance in a particular organism and see how adaptive they could be. The overall arching meaning I’m trying to incorporate with all this is there is so many different ways one can approach a situation to gain the issues one may be trying to receive.

In conducting research which such a multitude of perspectives it brings about new view points one would not normally have had they been stuck to a single perspective. One gains the ability to search out for new solutions in ways that might not have been feasible before. Going back to the example using both an environmental and geological perspectives collectively one could see how resistant a particular species is and how the land around them such a altitude and temperature effects that organism.

In using a variety of perspectives, while one conducts research is not only a thing Lady Rosa had taught me while I was visiting her, but in staying on island it taught me a couple other things. Research although we might be doing it for a particular discipline doesn’t always mean that issue is solely based on that particular subject. Research is thing that encompasses such a wide range of subjects that had It not it would have been something completely different. In being blessed with this trip research is no longer a scary mysterious thing, it’s a mysterious thing that when given the chance I cannot wait to dive into.