Just a Tad

I only have a few words to throw out onto my blog this week. Unfortunately, I am a poor college student who cannot afford Tivo or any other device that records television shows and my roommate is a poor college graduate who also cannot afford such causalities. Why does CBS choose to upload their episodes so late in the game? You’re killing me and my new obsession to watch loved ones fight for money.

In my last blog, I already covered my thoughts on both episodes commenting how I have yet to really see into both teams because we’re so early into the season; it’s hard to distinguish if they genuinely are working as a group or doing it to further their advances. Shoot, if I was playing, it’d be to further my own advances. Is that selfish? We are talking about one million dollars guys… Anyways, I’ll just reiterate my prior thoughts: orange team is slackin’ in their team work while the blue team seems to have a good idea on how to work with each other’s strengths. Well, at least so far. (Sorry my mind is drawing a blank on the tribe names hehe)

I’m almost tempted to root for the underdogs which is the orange team just because I really want to see them pull it together as a group! Maybe they’ll actually win the group challenge in episode three.

*No spoilers please!