Kam Mann


My name is Kam Mann

So to start speaking about myself..

I am currently a junior at CSUCI. I am twenty years old and full Indian; Punjabi. I have a twin brother that is two minutes older than me, and two loving parents. I live with my best friend, Rose. My major is health science. With that major I hope to one day help cancer patients. It has always been a passion of mine to lend a hand to one in need. My life is full of positively and love all around. I try to live every day with a smile on my face and count my blessings. I spend my days trying to fit in as much as I can in 24 hours. There is no other place that brings me more peace than the ocean, so you can bet a lot of my hours are spent there. I love trying new things and meeting new people. I believe every one has a role to play in your life, and there are only about 7 billion people that can teach me more about life.  I have so much to offer to the world and taking this class is helping me become one step closer to it!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.