
Group members: Jen Zuniga L. & Brenda Valencia

Drug: furosemide [Lasix]

Furosemide [Lasix] PO

Furosemide [Lasix] PO

Who?  – Fluid overload/edema due to HF, hepatic impairment or renal disease; hypertension

What? – It is a loop diuretic. Inhibits the reabsorption of sodium and chloride from the loop of Henley and distal renal tubule. Increases renal excretion of water, Na, Cl, Mg, K, and Ca. It is effective even in impaired renal function.

When? (frequency) – Edema PO (Adults) 20-80 mg/day as a single dose is given initially, may repeat in 6-8 hr; may increase dose by 20-40 mg every 6-8 hr until desired response. Hypertension PO (Adults) 40 mg twice daily initially (when added to regimen, decrease dose of other antihypertensive by 50%); adjust further dosing based on response.

Where? (Chronic home med – Acute care – both?) – Both

Why? (Reason – Action) – Edema due to HF, hepatic impairment or renal disease; hypertension

How? (Dose, Route, Safety) – PO (20-80 mg/day), IM (20-40 mg), IV (20-40 mg). SAFETY: monitor electrolytes (potassium!); change positions slowly to minimize the risk for orthostatic hypotension; dehydration; report any hearing loss or tinnitus; report rashes, itching (Stevens-Johnson syndrome).