Last Blog of Critical Care Nursing 420

WOW! I can hardly believe that the semester is over, let alone our nursing program coming to a close! I have to say, this semester is truly where everything “clicked”. I always thought I was strong in clinical, but this was the semester that content such as lab values and ventilator settings actually made sense! I felt like I was able to have conversations with the nurses and doctors during rounds about why certain treatments were being given, rather than just listening to their discussion.


For all of nursing school, the entire three years of the program, and even before I started nursing school, I always thought that ER was going to be where I wanted to be. In my leadership rotation, I got to see a different side of the MICU and SICU, and critical care nursing fascinated me. I have completely enjoyed every aspect of critical care nursing being able to experience it now in clinical.


I feel like all of the previous work that we put in during this program showed during this rotation. Pulling information from pathophysiology, pharmacology, therapeutic comm, and med surg made all the difference. Having that strong background made this semester feel like everything clicked. By the end of the semester, I cant even compare to where we were on our first day of nursing school. I have grown so much and I know it is for the better. I have learned how important it is to stress patient advocacy because when your patient knows you are looking out for them, they make your job easier and more fulfilling. Critical care as a last semester of nursing school couldn’t have been a better experience, or at a better time. WE DID IT!IMG_9107