LAST Blog: The Art of Being a Nurse


As the semester comes to an end and graduation nears, the realization that we will all be BSN graduates begins to kick in. This journey, we call nursing school, has been one in which I will remember for the rest of my life. I have learned so many new aspects of not only the nursing profession, but also of myself. I have met the most special of people who I know I can call friends forever. I have learned a new definition to the words hard work and dedication. I have cried and I have laughed and I have become stronger than I ever thought I could be. Nursing has always been a dream of mine, and nursing school has taught me that this profession is something beyond what I had ever imagined. Thanks to the knowledge we have received and the care we have given, I can honestly say that I have fallen even more in love with this career choice. Although nursing can be tough on some days, the satisfaction of helping others makes it completely worth it. This realization has especially resonated in me since the start of critical care.

Throughout my time within the intensive care unit, I have learned a whole new aspect within the meaning of being a nurse. I have learned that being a nurse means being a teacher, a caregiver, a listener, an advocate and most importantly a supporter. This rotation has been extremely precious to me in that I have been able to be a presence in not only a patient’s life but also their death. I have spent time with the most influential of nurses and on the opposite side of the spectrum I have struggled through days with those who are completely burned out. One thing that I have learned is that no matter how hard a day can be I maintain the ability to touch someone’s life and ultimately create a lasting impression and that in itself is enough to make me smile daily.

So, what is my plan for the future you might ask??? Following graduation and the completion of NCLEX I will be working as a labor and delivery nurse in Laguna Niguel. I will be a “baby catcher” one might say. I will welcome new life into this world everyday and I couldn’t be more willing and more excited to take on the challenge. What else the future might hold….who knows….the sky is the limit.

With that I will leave you with this…


Cheers to us CSUCI class of 2015!
