I was debating on writing a last post at this point because I feel that I have been repeating myself. I feel that I already have a good grasp on the world through the means of media from understanding psychology and from understanding that it is mediated by a corporate powers. Regardless, do not think I do not read because this post is not focused on adding sources to build up to context. I feel that at this point all I am reading is the same. It is just behavior that needs to be changed and the focus of media can be powerful if it is used to create more smarter people. Honestly, these readings upset me because there is so much to talk about that I feel that it all sounds the same at this point. The one thing that pissed me off was not realizing that news media stations only use men, but in college campuses I only see women. How the hell is this possible? I feel women are at the fore front of education now. I could see it in my psych courses. I was a minority in a room full of women learning the same thing they were and it was tough. Yet, I feel like as a society we feel we have came along way, but there is so much inequality that it pisses me off to even talk about it. I say that because I am the first to go to college and relaying this to those I know who do not know the struggle of being in school is hard. Why you may ask? People are turned off by the fact of knowing the truth or understanding the world differently than what they perceive it to be. I will say though that I enjoyed reading the book assigned. I feel like there were many points that stood out to me in each chapter. Yet, I feel like those points were already relayed to me within my psych courses. Behavior for example in my opinion is based on the learning habits you get from educated or none educated parents and your environment. Through behavior you get a malleable human being who can experience anything. Yet, it made more sense when discussions led to poverty, inequality, and why the cycle keeps repeating itself. I just get so frustrated knowing that our world is based on a consumer society. One in which we lie to the people about choices, and hide the dirty laundry of the world. We do not address are issues, we simply choose to keep things the way they are. It is not societies choice it is the corporate powers behind the media that masks and keeps us behaviorally tamed.  At this point I am disappointing in the route we are continuing to go in terms of economy and media use