Lazy Days in London 

After a couple of days of being here I am happy to say that I am getting used to the flow of things. The jetlag is going away, I’ve become more familiar with area and the number of times I get lost in the tube have reduced to a manageable amount! Unfortunately, we leave in two days which means this success will be short lived. It also means making the most of the little time we do have left. 

Today, we had a chance to pick what we wanted to do for the day. After making a trip to Hyde Park, we were set free to do what we wished. For us, that meant a lazy day at the park.

Laying down for a couple of minutes allowed us to do a little people watching and we actually made quite a few observations. For example, there weren’t a lot of people with dogs. Every once in a while we would see maybe one but overall it was alarming considering the immensity of the park one would think there would be several dogs 

After a while of observing we decided to head back to the hotel where we all dispersed and did our own thing. I choose to go visit Camden Market to try and get a little souvenir shopping done. When we got there the market reminded me a little of Venice. It was a constant flow of shop after shop and while most sold basically the same thing there were still an overwhelming amount. There was also a food court that wa similar to the Borough Market. We stopped and got a freshly squeezed watermelon drink and shopped around.  


This was by far the most crowded place I have been to yet. I can see why considering there are probably over 50 little stands within the market. 

It seems as if every day I become more and more accustomed to the way life is here. It will be heartbreaking to leave it but I am learning so much during this experience. I can’t wait for the rest that is to come!