Learning to be Good Digital Citizens

Hello everyone! This week’s blog will be like the cherry on top of the dessert. In this blog I will be analyzing the magical world of the internet and how being a good digital citizen has become essential. After watching the video ” From Knowledgable to Knowledge-Able” and reading the article ” Turning Students into Good Digital Citizens” I was able to find very interesting themes that linked back to my experience of searching a professional topic on social media. Both the reading and video gave a really clear and important theme of how important the internet and the different virtual ways to communicate have become essential in our lives. The way that internet has revolutionized our way of living and the way we now collaborate with the entire world has make a huge impact on the power we know have with any electronic device. Being a good digital citizenship will have a big influence on how beneficial we use all the technology we have in the present and how beneficial it will be in the future generations. The article explained how being cautious of how we use the different social medias is part of being a good digital citizen; although that’s only a part of it. Utilizing the social medias to start a movement and make a difference in anything is a great example of how collaboration is essential to be a good digital citizen. There have been tremendous movements done through social media to help different countries in nature tragedies; for instance, there was a lot of examples shown in the video like programs to notified the world of specific updates when a country is experiencing a tragic event. I was really amazed by the information provided by both the video and article. The internet has allow us to change entirely our way of communication and I  believe that by being good digital citizenships we will better our future regarding social media and the internet.