Let the Games Begin

Well, there is alot that can be said about Group Membership in episode 2 Blood vs. water. I think its best to evaluate each team individual. For starters, the blue team. Each team seems to have their members playing into their group roles pretty well. Jeremy clearly sees himself as the group leader for the blue team. He is playing at the group needs, and while he appeared to be working for his team, behind the scenes he was also working at an angle to help his wife Val get ahead in the game. Jeremy is defiantly a powerful player on the blue team because he is associated with multiple group task roles for blue team including: energizer, evaluate, initiator-contributor. In terms of self centered roles, i noticed John likes to view himself as the “Clown” of the group. When he lost the flint, he tried to play the goofball card hoping that that would ease the blame. Ultimately i think that approach is going to hurt him in the long run, especially because he costed the group valuable . rewards. On the other side the Orange Team Clearly has alot of issues. No clear leader has come to step up to the plate to lead the orange team out of their losing streak. There is clearly alot of Communication Apprehension in the group, which became especially clear at the tribal council. And with a split vote it is clear that the tribe is split down the middle and is divided. What this group needs for role members, is a tension re leaser in order to mend the communication blocks that have occured, they need a harmonizer and every member needs to start comprimising if they are to succeed. Val was kicked off the island because of her feeling that she could take the dominate approach/ she was too aggressive going into the tribal council, bragging about immune idols. I am really interested to see how Jeremy will retaliate against   John Rocker for breaking his word about protecting his wife Val.