Letting Go of You…. (Navigating Genres Blogpost #3)

To the “friend” I once knew,

Thank you for showing me that friendships aren’t easy. They take time to develop and grow into something more meaningful. But amidst all of the hardships, I guess I thought I knew who you were. I thought we were closer than that after having all of the real talks we had. I was there for you through a lot, and to find out that when I needed someone to be there at a rough time in my life, instead you were there judging me behind back and saying things like “I’m too nice” and that “it’s starting to feel fake”, hurt me the most. Even when you told me some of the choices you had made and were still making; so many people were judging you but I never once judged you for that. Instead, I defended you and was your friend in the most endearing way, even through the tough times. I tried to help you see the good in yourself and the reality of who you are for you. In those moments you confided in me, it felt like I could confide in you. Thank God that day never came, because I honestly thought we were true friends. Then again, the truth hurts sometimes; and the truth is I’m done. Not only because of the things you said, but because I’m tired of being pushed and shoved in all sorts of directions by you. I’m tired of not being heard, and for being judged when you knew I was in so much pain for losing a loved one at that time and almost losing several others. In fact I can’t believe I actually let the things you said behind my back get to me like this. Because at one point, it made me feel like I didn’t have any real friends here. What you had said even made go as far as questioning who I am and whether or not I was being sincere. Then I came to realize, who cares about what anyone thinks; because if you were truly my friend you’d be honest with me, instead of saying hi from a distance and acting like you know me because you don’t.

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It’s clear to me that the choices we’re making are completely different right now, and for that I get why we’re drifting apart. And since I’m being honest, I am more than ok with that. In fact, I’m glad it’s happening this way, because I don’t feel like I can be your friend anymore. I don’t want to have to sensor myself around you, out of questioning everything I say and whether or not it’s “too nice”. To be completely honest with you, I am a nice person and I’m not afraid to say that anymore because it’s genuinely true. You see, I know you think I give too many compliments and sometimes to complete strangers, but that’s who I am. I am the type of person who will compliment a complete stranger and not think twice about it. And if you are uncomfortable with that, then that’s your loss. Because I am a good person and a great friend. And if you can’t see that even now, then I guess this is goodbye.



Works Cited

Smith, Louise. Living in the Past. 2011. Center for Spiritual Living. Letting Go of the Past. Web. 11 Feb. 2016.

Dirk, Kerry. “Navigating Genres.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing. Ed. Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky. Vol. 1. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor P, 2010. 249-262. Writing Spaces. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.