Levaquin Drug Review

Who?  (Who gets it or what disease process)

Patients with nososcomial pneumonia or Community acquired pneumonia, acute bacterial sinusitis, skin and skin structure infections, chronic bacterial prostatitis, UTI’s, acute pyelonephritis,

What? (Class? Pharmokinetics? How does it work)

Levaquin is in a group of  antibiotics called fluoroquinolones . Levofloxacin is a antimicrobial  that fights bacteria in the body. It inhibits bacterial cell synthesis by inhibiting DNA gyrase enzyme. Half-life is 6-8 hours

When? (Frequency)

Every 24 hours

Where? (Chronic home med – Acute care – both?)

Depends on the route, but can be taken at home and in hospital setting.

Why?(Reason – Action)

Same as reason for who

How? (Dose, Route, Safety)

Route: PO or IV

Dose: 500-750mg PO, 250-750 mg IV

Safety: Associated with increased risk of tendonitis and tendon rupture. May exacerbate muscle weakness with patients with myasthenia gravis. Watch out for hepatotoxicity.