LGBTQ Equality

One of my top, if not my top, social issues is equality for the LGBTQ community. I have chosen to research this topic because its an unnecessary issue. I have witnessed the unfair inequality not only out in society and personally, being a bisexual male. My big issue is the discrimination toward the community, for being who they are. Inequality for the community is not only an issue here in the United States but worldwide in other countries.

Upon my research on this topic. A came upon thousands of results. Many of the sites were non-profits. All sites are different in their content but have LGBTQ at the center of their topic. Most were information on inequality of the community. Others were news and articles on the latest issues or changes on this topic. There are definitely plenty of places I could dig into to find information. But are they reliable? I still don’t know. I have to dig a little deeper to find more information on these sites. There were a few that I think I could rely on but I am not a hundred percent sure. One of the sites I want to go through a little more is the Human Rights Campaign. It seem reliable and links to other topics relatable or thing that affect the LGBT community.

So far I am satisfied with what I have found but will do more searching to find reliable sources. The internet is a big place and I know I will find the information I need.