Likes and Dislikes of NRS 420

Likes: it is kind of hard not to like the fact that I have my own blog where I can personalize a page to my liking. I love the NRS 420 web page because of how convenient and organized everything is. I don’t have to wait for the course syllabus to download, or look for it through my files because it is always one click away. I am not the most tech savvy person but thus far I have found everything pretty simple to access.

Dislikes: if there is one thing I dislike is the fact that it is going to take me a whole lot of time to get creative enough to make my page appealing to people’s eyes. I have seen some of the posts by my classmates and I can already tell they are going to have amazing colorful web pages. Therefore I think I will continue to post pictures that my sister takes because I find them really interesting and beautiful. Another dislike that I have is that this was not developed until our last semester. I believe we would all have embraced it if it was introduced in our first semester. In addition, it would have allowed us to build a digital portfolio from day one.