Likes & Dislikes

Wow! I have to say, this technological transition is rocking my world right now. I am incredibly excited to take a different approach to learning, presenting, and even sharing my thoughts. I am excited to learn and advance technologically along with the rest of our generation and be taken out of my comfort zone to learn. However, there are definitely some concerns I am grappling with. One of my dislikes is the idea that all of my entries and thoughts will be public for all to read. As a new graduate searching for jobs, I would be afraid that a potential employer might turn me away based on my “online identity” or thoughts shared throughout the course. I am also worried that I will spend more time than desired in learning how to navigate and complete the various assignments. I know the next few months will be full of learning curves, both in lecture material and technologically. I am excited to be a part of something that has the potential to revolutionize teaching though. I am also looking forward to this new challenge!