Likes Versus Dislikes

Balancing honesty and optimism in critical care medicine

This post marks my very first blog entry! What I will be discussing includes the likes and dislikes of NRS 420 (Critical Care). Although this semester has only just begun and I am still acquainting myself to the details of the various courses, I do have to say I believe this semester to be extremely different from the rest. Not only will be we preparing for NCLEX, learning material that is much more advanced, job hunting and participating in various application processes, but also learning and incorporating new technology into our learning experiences. At this point, I am unsure as to whether this is a like or dislike, but believe that once I grasp the initial concepts it will definitely be a like. Another aspect of this course that I really like is the fact that we have our own website for the course where we can view crucial dates, syllabi, and additional information. I am extremely excited to be learning more about how to assess and care for the critically ill and believe that this innovative and new approach will definitely assist in that process. At this point in time I really do not have any dislikes, other than tests….just kidding. I think this course will be very beneficial in not only helping me learn new aspects of technology but also in how to widen my scope of caring for others.