In this episode we focusing on listening, in which selective listening is seen. Poor listening skills is shown through both tribes. At first we see the hanaphu tribe, we begin to see how the group would discuss about the appropriate portions of rice to eat which led to tension between some of the group members. They saw how little rice was left and so they wanted to do a trade with Jeff, they made it seem as if there opinion was valuable, but in reality it was all pseudo listening. Jeremy’s focus and perspective was different from everyone else’s, the only reaction he got from them was such as nodding, not really listening to what he had to say. I then notice how maybe not putting attention to what Jeremy thought was important cold cause to then haunt them in the future, all because of there destructive listening habits.

We then see how Dale and Kelly chose John and Jacquelyn to form with them to vote off Baylor and mom Missy. Here we see how listening to each couple plays a huge role in what is being told to one another to convince all these pairs to go on there side. We see that Jacquelyn is worried about what Baylor will do for the reason of past experiences. John and girlfriend have told the other two pairs that they are on each others side, agreeing to go with their plan.

Everything talked and listened from group members was finally put to the test. Unfortunately Kelly was the chosen victim and voted off the Island. From my thoughts I thought it was going to be a strong competitor, only they know what there doing, and so let the games continue.