Listening within the Tribes

In the reward challenge Hunahpu wins again with a big reward with actual food; such as skewers with real meat or chicken and veggies to eat.

Hunahpu won the Immunity challenge because they listened to each other which ended up getting them the win. They supported each other the whole way through the immunity challenge and talked to each other. They fell behind at one point of the challenge, but they didn’t falter. They kept listening to one other and ended up coming from behind winning the game.

Coyopa on the other ended up losing once again. However; they too played the immunity challenge really well. They listened to one another which ended up putting them in the lead at one point, but they still couldn’t beat the Hunahpu tribe. They played hard and worked together beautifully by supporting and listening to one another, but still wanted to win.

In the end there was one person who wasn’t truly listening to his other teammates and that was Dale which ended up sending him home.