
July 22, 2015

       As I sit here thinking about what I might forget to pack for my journey to London, England, I realize it still hasn’t hit me that I will be in Europe in a less then a week. Visiting Europe has been on my bucket list for some time, but I didn’t think I would be checking it off so young, and for that I am grateful. After doing research on some of  the popular activities in London, I’m excited to go on a bike tour through and around London. Two options are available on this tour either The Grand London Tour or The Secret London Tour. Since we will be hitting the major spots as a group I would like to try The Secret London Tour. This  tour will include seeing Diagon Alley and Leaky Cauldron from Harry Potter,  Jack the Ripper Murder Scene, some world famous street art, and cycling alongside a hidden canal. Furthermore I would like to experience some of the unique cuisine and craft beers while I’m studying abroad. Another highlight to this trip is a new Samsung 21x optical zoom camera, which I’m excited to utilize in capturing some of London’s beauty. Above all I’m excited to take a tour around The  Tower of London and see the Crown Jewels and the The White Castle. In addition I would like to see the differences between the architecture in the innermost ward, inner ward, and outer ward, since they were all built at different times in history. Now it’s just time to finish packing and get through the twelve hour flight and get this show on the road.

– Colton