London 2015

It is crazy to think that I woke up in London yesterday, and now I am back home in Camarillo. The week went by way too fast! Everyday was an adventure and time well spent. Besides Windsor Castle, another favorite of mine was Hyde Park. Large is an understatement for the size of the park…it was huge! It would definitely take some time to be able to walk through the entire park. 
Beside the beauty of the park, I loved the many features of the park. You could rent a row or pedal boat and boat along the Serpentine River, rent bikes and bike around the whole park, rent park deck chairs and lounge for hours, and so much more. There is even a park dedicated for senior citizens and another park for young children. The park truly caters to people of all ages. 
One night, some of us rented bikes and biked around Hyde Park while the sun was about to set. The view was gorgeous and it was so much fun. I really wish we got the chance to rent a row boat and boat along the river but we just did not have enough time to do everything. If I were a London resident, I would probably be a daily regular at Hyde Park. The Princess Diana Memorial was also a highlight of the park. I love how you are aloud to put your feet in the water. 
This trip is definitely at the top of my list for favorite trips. I’m so glad that I got chosen and went. It was life changing and well worth the money. I will continue to encourage other students to apply for studying abroad programs if they ever get the chance. 