London Wrap-up!

  Los Angeles, USA 8:00 AM

I have been in Los Angeles for a full 24 hours now. The flight home was 10 hours, but the plane followed the direction of the sun, so I did not get much sleep on the way back to LAX. Jet lag hit me hard coming home, so I have been feeling exhausted come 7 o’clock these days. However, I would deal with jet lag all over again if it meant getting to spend more time in London! A lot of people think you can “do” London in two or three days, but I could not disagree more! I was there for a week, and had I spent another week there, I still could have found things to do every day. Looking back, I could not be any happier with my trip. Had CSUCI not provided me the opportunity to travel to London, I never would have been able to afford the trip by myself. I know I will not be able to afford to go back for a long time, but I do not feel like I wasted any time while I was there. Every day was jam packed with tours, sightseeing, and lots of walking. When speaking to London locals they even admitted how they have not toured most of the sights I was visiting. On Sunday (our last full day) I even got to do something extra special and attend a service at St. Paul’s Cathedral. The picture above is what the outside of the Cathedral looked like walking up to it. No one was allowed to take pictures inside, so I am especially glad I got to see everything during the service. After church on Sunday, we visited our last sight as a class at Trafalgar Square in front of the National Gallery. Afterwards, a small group of us broke off and visited Camden Market. The market was clearly a tourist trap, with vendors tying to sell fake designer purses and cheap t-shirts, but it was fun to look around nontheless. Afterwards, I ate dinner for the last time in London and had chocolate gelato for dessert. There was no better way to end my time in London, and I am so happy I got to share my experience with everyone reading this blog! Cheerio!