Low Income Children 10/11/2015

I have always known of the poverty in my city because I grew up in it and it breaks my heat when I see the FACTS in any article. I have many homeless friends who I feed at Del Taco and I see the way my co workers and to tell you the truth I don’t give a dang either. But when I read the articles about how we were born into poverty I definitely agree because I know from experience that we are however, I do know that with an education and determination one can pull themselves out also. The simple fact that the numbers keep rising is upsetting because, as a community we can help in many ways by simply passing out food at a food share or being a big brother/sister for some of these children. I know those two things I mentioned seem like nothing but it means the world to low poverty kids to have adult figures who are positive role models help them believe that they can also achieve. Forgive me for the long post but I feel as if its very important to touch down on issues that pertain so closely to one self. just the cost of living in California alone puts many at poverty level itself and yet it doesn’t get the media attention it deserves. I know that their are people in communities that would help and I feel like the media downplaying the reality dos put a bit of restriction on success and awareness. lf one isn’t involved in their community personally they will only hear about these issues when something tragic happens and an upper class citizen is involved in some cases. I cant stress the education facts enough I chose to work and got to school full time to provide for my daughters financially so I can save them enough money for college. I also believe with every ounce in my body that me being an example in school; will indeed show them that its possible through education and a career is more valuable than a job! Family structure plays a huge roll also and I give credit to single parents who work their butts off so their kids can receive a proper education.