Luke Lineberger – Post III

Each tribe prepares to merge, and their nonverbal signals match up with everything we, and the cast, could expect. Keith, who received two votes, has the wide-eyed, hunched shoulders look of someone who is suddenly very uncertain when his fellow Coyopa tribe members hasten to explain themselves. Everyone who talks about the merging demonstrates posture which is either more vertical (confident, assertive, alert) or relaxed (calm, unalarmed, unconcerned) which fits in with their views on the upcoming conflicts. Josh and Jeremy in particular demonstrate this alertness as they prepare to outflank the other.

After the feast, where everyone was consistent in passive, cooperative language and nonverbal cues, it was back to business. Jeremy gives each of his prospective allies his full attention, demonstrating strong eye contact and using language intended to suggest that they are already working towards the same goals–heavy emphasis on ‘we’ and ‘us’ language.