Luke Lineberger – Post IV

My consistency was about a 1/5.

I don’t think I ever commented on anyone’s blog, so 1/5.

For the blogposts I did make, I think I did all right tying them in to the lesson…so 4/5.

If I had any strengths on blogging and participating, I think they’d have been analysis of the episode in regards to course content…and I barely participated, so nothing there.

To remember them before they were mentioned in class might have helped.

The experience of blogging and CIKeys was one worth experiencing and repeating. The experience of setting up a blog was enjoyable.

What I did not enjoy were the topic and deadlines, though I understand what purpose they serve.

My suggestions for this assignment, should you choose to integrate it into future courses, would be to avoid limiting the subject to one show/theme/issue. Other classes have incorporated similar assignments which were based on real-life examples, experiences from other classes, or events hosted at CI which offered a broader range of insight regarding the course concepts.