
This week, I turned to lurking on my topic on the social media. Two social media sites I was looking around were Facebook and Twitter. I wanted to see what kind of information or content was put out. This would help me expand my knowledge of my topic as well as identify for I can effectively find information or content I wanted. Using tags on twitter made it extremely easy to navigate through information. I just typed in a key word, such as LGBT, and  the information popped up. The content was never ending and contained many different areas of my topic. Currently, there are 316 million twitter users. It’s amazing to see how fast content is being added in the matter of seconds on their live link. The site is simple and has links to access some content easily such as, videos, news, photos and top content. 

Similarly, I went on Facebook and searched LGBT and other key words to navigate through the site. Like Twitter, Facebook had many links. Mostly, pages of groups sharing information on lgbt. Some of these groups belonged to major contributors of my topic I have previously seen. One being BuzzFeed LGBT and the other, Human Right Campaign. These groups, and like many others, have been verified by Facebook to be authentic page belonging to a real media company. Accounts on twitter are also verified and I most of the time rely on content being put out from these pages. Many articles usually come with links to the original source and I can use it to track my content. Overall, I have found that lurking through media sites can be beneficial and easy to navigate to find content on I am searching for.