Lurking and Why I’m Doing It

In this week’s post I am supposed to lurk on two social websites about my topic, health care. I am lurking because I’m supposed to get the feel of the community that I’m lurking in and see the interactions/ideas that goes on.

So again this week I am  looking at the World Health Organization, otherwise known as WHO on Facebook. This organization works on trying to bring health care around the world, obviously. Today, 10/13/15, WHO posted that today is the international day for #DisasterReduction. They continued to say that is it important for the community to work together and, of course, for basic health care. In other posts it also mentioned how adolescents can talk to doctors to get more health care information or how to contact an adult if a physician isn’t helping them. What I found interesting is that someone commented on the post about how they wish it would be easy in Paraguay in English. Then WHO actually commented back in Spanish with a flyer in Spanish and a link. Not only that but later on WHO posted a video about Female Genital Mutilation and before that an article on why it’s important for adolescent girls to get health care. On that day they said it was Girl Day, so their posts went accordingly. Up to 2,000 and more liked both posts and shared the links. Although, what I did notice from all the posts was that there were only about 2 comments for every post.

The second place I looked was on Twitter under an organization called StartUp Health. “ is a global health innovation company dedicated to growing and scaling startups focused on transforming healthcare.” (@StartUp Health, Twitter) From what I found on their feed was the promotion of new technology, such as holograms and partnering with other companies to make a startup. What I also noticed is that they mention a lot of people on their feed as well. Not only that, but they also have links and organizations to help you with your startup. From what I saw there was only a few retweets, 20 at the most, which I found interesting because I would think there would be more.

When I lurked I felt a bit odd because it is not something I normally do. Not to mention that I kind of felt bad when doing so because I felt, in a sense that I was stalking. I think it would be worse if it was an actual person rather than an organization because an organization isn’t human. When I lurked all I did was go through their feed, look at the comments, and see how much the organizations were posting. It was about everyday.

Here are the links to the organizations I visited. Listed in order.