Lurking – Talking Tuition (Week 2)

In my Lurking – Talking Tuition post last week, I addressed the usefulness of lurking on social media to find useful, live information on any topic, but in this case specifically, college tuition. I found a good deal of people discussing the same major articles on both Facebook and Twitter, and found that to continue to be the case this week. There is a wealth of new information that has accrued in the last week!

The hot topics of the week are the concept of a “tuition reset” , and not so recently, but still relevant, an analysis from September that was featured on The New York Times website that questions if tuition really is too high. I have also seen a photo going around that surrounds the presidential election.


There is a vast amount of outrage on both Twitter and Facebook regarding the photo in particular, but I consider that to be reflective of the wording in the text more so than the actual sentiments of voters.

There have been protests about the costs of college for as long as I can remember, but this week, I found myself drawn to protests in South Africa that lead to a shut down of two major universities:

debt sentence

Also in reference to my comments on Germany offering free tuition to Americans in a couple of my previous posts, I found this interesting tidbit on Twitter:


All in all, I have found a great deal of information this week that I think will truly help me to understand the topic in a better light and from multiple perspectives. I have found this week’s post to be a lot easier now that I truly understand the process and was able to dig in and find the “good stuff” much more easily.


Professor In Training, MGH

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