Lurking to The Next Level

For two weeks now I have been lurking social media to be twined in on a current refugee crisis. This issue was one I chose for our transfer class yet it was an issue for me prior to taking this course. There is an endless amount of reasons why we need to be in touch with this social uprising. Lurking and being conscious of an end goal is much more complex than simply lurking just to lurk. Now, I take on any new article or post that contributes to my issue and analyze it in depth. The contributions to my knowledge on these issues has been reinforced by not only learning the facts, but the opinions of millions of others on this same issue. One of the most interesting things to me is that this is not a two sided issue. All opinions are different based upon your upbringing and your beliefs, which makes this issue so versatile.
“Fewer than 2,000 Syrians have come to the U.S., though the war has displaced more than 12 million since it began in 2011. The refugees in America are scattered widely across more than 20 different states.”

This is an excerpt from an article published on NPR covering the experience of Omar Al-Awad and his newfound life here in America. This makes me feel proud. For the very reason that my own country is able to help such a humble family like Omar’s.
It inspires me to help another human regardless of where they are from.
The development of this project has made me more conscious, living in the moment you could say.