Make Living More Enjoyable

I have composed a mock complaint letter, concerning our residence in Santa Cruz. Living in Santa Cruz wasn’t a bad experience there was just small things that can be easily fixed that would’ve made living in Santa Cruz more accommodating. California State University Channel Islands is an eco-friendly university and believes in helping the environment but there are so many ways it can remain eco-friendly but at the same time make living on campus more enjoyable.

February 15, 2016

Tara Ashton, HRE Facility & Administration Assistant

California State University Channel Islands

Santa Cruz Village, E-150

Camarillo, California 93012


I am writing to express a formal complaint concerning our housing in Santa Cruz Village. Overall, my first year in college has been a good learning experience not only academically put personally as well. Being away from home has really helped me grow as a person and become more mature and independent. Having the opportunity to have roommates and learning to live with someone you don’t know anything about was hard in the beginning but it’s something you eventually get used to.

The rooms in general were accommodating except for the fact that most of the time the rooms were too hot because there was no air conditioner in the dorms. I understand the reason why our rooms weren’t air conditioned that reason being that our school is eco-friendly and believes that by using air conditioners in the room it can harm our environment but the dorms get really hot especially upon moving in it was hotter in our rooms than it was inside. Because of the humidity inside our rooms another problem was the mosquitos that were attracted to the temperature inside. It wasn’t until winter came that the rooms were at a normal temperature. What I don’t really understand is how we can have a heater but not an air conditioner. It’s ironic because personally in our dorm we never used the heater our room was at a perfect temperature.

Of course I’m not asking for the use of air conditioners since there is no way a sudden change can take place. The only thing I ask for is to think of other alternatives, there is so many ways of controlling heat without a need for air conditioners and still being an eco-friendly school. Keeping the sun’s heat out of our dorms by, for example, insulating our roof, is controlling conducted heat. Putting up awnings so that direct sunlight doesn’t shine in our windows is an example of controlling radiated heat. Installing attic vents and fans so that heat rises and leaves our dorms through the roof is a way of controlling heat. Good ventilation creates convection currents: the faster this air moves, the more refreshing it is. There are so many alternatives that can be used for a better living experience.

I really hope you take the time to read this letter and consider all the different possibilities in making living in Santa Cruz more accommodating and enjoyable.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Jailene Rodriguez


Works Cited

Dirk, Kerry. “Navigating Genres.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing. Ed. Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky. Vol. 1. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor P, 2010. 249-262. Writing Spaces. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.
