Make Some Magic Happen

Last week, Coyopas tribe member Dale, had his daughter voted off and it was very hard for him to watch her go through that. There seems to be tension between all the members of Coyopa.
Hunahpu has had many hard times through their time on Survivor. Because of their carelessness for the amount of rice they make at a time, they ran out in a very short amount of time. They ask Jeff if they can make a trade to have more rice and Jeff comes up with a trade: all of their items they have earned, for a bag of rice that has to last them the remainder of their time on the show. Many tribe members think this is a fair trade and are fine with it, but Jeremy is very upset about this. He’s mad that everyone is so concerned about having rice, instead of comfort items, when they could find their own food or have been more responsible with how they distributed their use of rice in the first place.
This weeks episode showed a lot of examples of nonverbal behavior. When Reed won bbq reward for his tribe, he began to cry because he felt like if was so stressful but he won. When Baylor lost, she seemed fine at first and then started becoming upset because she could not win the awesome reward for her tribe and is now going to be sent to exile island.
The way tribe members interact with one another has a lot to do with nonverbal behavior. I do not think personal appearance really plays a role in the tribes because they are all living on an island together and trying for one thing.
Facial expression and eye contact has a big role in the tribes. I think people kind of realize how others feel about them with the way they respond facially at one another and situations they have among the tribe.