Making Contact!

This week I was to make contact with the people on my topic which is the LGBT Community.

I was a bit hesitant on what to put and on what site to make contact. I decided on Instagram and made contact through a comment because I notice very different people post there and I wanted to hear the contrast of the two.

So what I commented was essentially, “Hello friends :) I am a student in University studying the magnitude of social media and I have a question for you all. What does social media mean to you as a member or ally of the lgbt community?”

I haven’t had any comments back, but I look forward to the comments that do arise. If no one replays to my comment I think I will post the same question again in hopes that someone will comment.

I must admit I was nervous to ask a question and put it out there. I am very curious as to what members of this community might say, and I am further curious as to what people OUTSIDE of this community (trolls) might say. I wonder if they will even comment at all. Truthfully, I hope not. I don’t understand trolls, how could someone spew hate speech so boldly, and not think about the repercussions that it might entail?  I do look forward, though, to those who have actual insight to the matter. I want to know what they have to say. I want to know what it means to them to be apart of a community that can connect online, and what that might mean to someone who can only connect with someone online.