May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor

And. . they’re off. I personally have never watched survivor before so this is my first experience with the show. From what i can tell the groups didn’t have a good  opportunity to connect in episode one. To connect the show to the reading, it was easy to see the early stages of  Group Development Stages occurring on the show.   After the groups were divided you had the Forming Stage, noone really knew each other so everyone appeared to be polite to one another. In this stage both you could see members of both orange and blue groups trying to prove their worth. Examples were, Dale AKA the old man from the orange group making fire on day one and Drew from the blue group making a shelter for the group.  After the elimination challenge, in group orange you could start to see the beginning of the Storming Stage.  You could openly see the men and the women dividing already, while trying to figure out who should get voted off at the next tribal council. When you think about the elimination challenge, its interesting to see how the group goals connect to the motivation of the group. Its a cross between personal and group success in order to win the game. To win your group has to win, but you also have to consider that your group is also your greatest competition. In the blue group,  you could clearly see Jeremy had a hidden agenda when he started to approach all the women in his group to make alliances for votes. The contrast between Indivdual Goals vs. Group Goals is very interesting on this show and i am exciting to see how it plays out. What do you Guys think? About How the Groups are Developing? Who’s Playing What Roles, and What Strategies are the castaways already implementing?